

25 Jul 2024 Kategori : Famous Auctions and Sales

Historic Auctions: The Most Interesting and Valuable Items Sold

Auctions are exciting events in the world of antiques and art, involving the buying and selling of rare and valuable items, and sometimes witnessing extraordinary moments in history. Here are some unforgettable auctions where the most interesting and valuable items were sold:

  1.   Leonardo da Vinci's "Salvator Mundi"

On November 15, 2017, Leonardo da Vinci's "Salvator Mundi" was sold at Christie's auction house for $450 million, making it the most expensive artwork in history. The painting, depicting Christ blessing the world, resurfaced after being lost for a long time, creating a significant buzz in the art market.

  1.   Marie Antoinette's Jewelry

In 2018, Sotheby's auctioned Marie Antoinette's private jewelry collection. The Queen's long-hidden jewels fetched a total of $36 million. This collection garnered high interest due to its historical and royal connections, finding buyers at very high prices.

  1.   Picasso's "Les Femmes d'Alger" (Version 'O')

Pablo Picasso's painting "Les Femmes d'Alger" (Version 'O') sold for $179 million at Christie's in May 2015. This piece is one of the most famous in Picasso's Algerian Women series, showcasing the artist's various phases and transformations. The sale set a significant benchmark for the value of modern art.

  1.   The Pink Star Diamond

In April 2017, a 59.60-carat Pink Star diamond was sold for $71.2 million at an auction in Hong Kong. This extraordinary diamond is recorded as the largest and most expensive pink diamond in the world. The sale highlighted the strong allure of diamond and jewelry auctions.

  1.   Mark Rothko's "No. 10"

Mark Rothko's painting "No. 10," created in his signature abstract expressionist style, was sold for $82.5 million at Sotheby's in May 2015. Rothko's works, known for their deep meanings and emotional intensity, attract significant interest. This painting is considered one of the best examples of his use of color and form.

  1.   Albert Einstein's Letter

Albert Einstein's famous letter on God and religion was sold for $2.9 million at Christie's in December 2018. The letter, reflecting Einstein's personal views, is regarded as a historical document in the scientific world, making a significant impact. The sale demonstrated the high value of historical documents in the auction market.

Each sold item has its own story, and these stories make auctions even more thrilling. The examples provided here showcase how fascinating and diverse the auction world can be.